2022: It's Time to Drop Anchor
Acts 27:20-32 Paul's, As a Prisnor, Voyage to Rome Sometimes the greatest way that God is manifested is right in the middle of your...

What's Really Going On?
Sometimes your problem is not just for you. -As Jesus passed by, He saw a man who had been blind from birth. 2And His disciples asked...

When No One Else Is Around
Have you ever found yourself in a situation, dilemma, or a problem where you really needed somebody and the very ones who said they would...

Things We Cannot See
What is Really going on? Focus, that’s my word for this year, 2021. I was so noisy and loud last year 2020, that God had to shhh me,...

Listen for the Whisper
If you had to choose one word that would describe your 2020 that would help you to learn to do better in 2021, what would it be? Once you...

God's Telephone Number
Have you ever been going through a situation and needed to call on a friend? The only problem was that when you would call, there would...

Don't Touch the Stove, Baby
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. Matthew 6:13 We are all familiar with temptation and have learned some...

He is a Defeated Foe
We are not ignorant of Satan’s devices, we had better not be ignorant of our weapons. The most powerful weapon in the world is the Word...

The Invitation- Come
There are times we feel we have done too much to be forgiven for. The enemy tells us that it was our fault. The enemy makes us feel that...

Let's Go Deeper
Growing up, I have always loved playing in water, but I could not swim. As a family we used to go to Jones Lake, White Lake, and Jordan...