Just Keeping it Real!
I love to buy gifts. When it comes to buying gifts for your friends, you want to make it personal. Something that says, “This is just for you. When I bought this, I was thinking about you.” Sometimes I find it difficult to find specific gifts for some people. Some people are just hard to shop for.
I realized that it had become extremely hard for me to find something specific for Singles. Something for men and women. When I go into any christian book store, I notice that you have a section for men, a section for women, a section for family, a reference and Bible section, and oh my goodness, the children have their own West Wing. But when it comes to singles, I always can only find about two to three rows - right under the marriage section. Ironically, I also find that most of the authors of Single’s books are married.
I’m thinking, wow! Slim pickings! So, I decided I needed to do something about that. Serving over a Single’s Ministry is hard when you're Single yourself and know what’s needed, but enough resources just don’t exist. So, in 2013, after fervent prayer, I decided to write seven 28-Day Devotionals for Singles. Statistics say that if you do something for 21 days straight, you have created a habit. So, I decided what better habit for Singles to create than spending time with God everyday with Words that just “Keep it Real.”

My first 28-Day Devotional for Singles was published in 2013, “Opened Palms: Waiting on God.” The second was also published in 2013, “Dear Abba, Father: Prayer.” Book 3 “Passion Fruit: Our Passions and Desires” releases on December 15, 2017. Book 4 is scheduled to release in the Summer of 2018, titled “Food for Thoughts: Our Thought Life”. And yes, all written by someone Single.
These books are specifically for Singles and it is personal. They each say, “This is just for you. When I wrote this, I was thinking about you.”
Salt Ministry is a gift, standing for (S)ingle (A)dults (L)iving (T)ruth. It is a gift that specifically meets the needs of Singles. It does not shy away from topics that have been taboo in some circles, but meets them head on. Whether I am speaking at a conference, retreat, or workshop, the message is the same, “Let’s just keep it real. God created sex so it is good, in the bonds of marriage. So, let’s talk about relationships, sex, struggles, dating, and all the things that relate to Singles.”
I have personally been single for many years and my desire has always been to be married. That is on God’s “To Do” list. While God is taking care of my List, we as Singles must take care of His “To Do” list.
This is right where God has us and that’s a great place. The place where God will teach us to “Keep it Real.”